
Donate Now

To Donate: Click the link above (for PayPal) or send a check to:

Children's PSC Foundation
P.O. Box 1328
Menlo Park, CA  94026


Thank you and Congratulations!!  Through a combination of many donations from a large group of contributors and a few major donations we exceeded our fundraising target of $250,000 by end of May 2023!  Our matching donor who motiviated this campaign is ecstatic about our success and has made the matching donation to get us to more than $500,000 of new funds to support research and trials for the PSC community.

These funds are already being put to work in several research projects and trials that we are supporting.  In addition to the randomized controlled trial of oral vancomycin in Milan, the trial of Hymecromone at Stanford and the trial of microbiota transplant therapy (MTT) at University of Minnesota, we are also pursuing a pilot trial of a new diagnostic device to better understand the detailed microbiome of PSC patients.

Each of these studies will provide insights into the mechanisms of PSC, improve our understanding of the disease, and help us on our path to a cure.  None of this would be possible without your generous support.  Thank you!!

Click Here to Read More About the Projects Your Funding Will Support


Our Strategy to Help PSC Patients

Children's PSC Foundation is focused on pursuing and supporting three core areas of research that will help PSC patients and ultimately lead to a cure:

  1. Better understanding why oral vancomycin is an effective treatment for some PSC patients.  We are interested in exploring and understanding the mechanisms of action of oral vancomycin for PSC patients to essentially "reverse engineer" what oral vancomycin is doing to make patients better.  Through this understanding, we believe we can help find ways to identify and better target the underlying cause of PSC.  
  2. Identifying additional or better treatments for PSC to optimize the long term health of PSC patients.
  3. Exploring new approaches to address PSC that might lead to a cure.

This strategy has helped us to identify or help create numerous current or potential projects that we are directly supporting or hope to support.  These projects include:

  • A double blind placebo controlled trial of oral vancomycin for PSC
  • A prospective clinical trial of Hymecromone for PSC
  • A Pilot Clinical Trial of Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for PSC
  • New ways to understand the microbiome of PSC patients for better targeted treatments

Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of people living with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC).  The Children's PSC Foundation is an all volunteer organization - we have no paid staff - and other than required, minor administration expenses (tax filings, etc.) all funds raised by the Children's PSC Foundation go directly to research.  Any personal expenses in support of our work (travel to conferences, etc.) are paid for personally by our volunteers, not your contributions.  All of our volunteers are also contributors to the foundation.

Additionally, Children's PSC Foundation puts funding toward the direct costs of research and trials and not toward indirect costs or overhead of the organizations conducting the work that we support.  We operate with limited funds and put all of those funds toward specific research and results to benefit PSC patients.

Your gift is tax deductible. Children’s PSC Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt entity pursuant to Section 501(c)3 Federal Tax ID # 26-4814733.

Thank You to Our Leadership Donors for Their Contributions

to Our Current Matching Campaign

The Wadsworth Family Fund in Memory of Lora Wadsworth

Sam and Lois Riggs in Memory of Lora Wadsworth

Mary and Richard Schminke in Memory of Lora Wadsworth

The John and Anne Koch Family Fund in Memory of Lora Wadsworth

Ware Industrial

TG&R Landscaping

Divine Commercial Interiors

Service Plumbing

Omnitron Electric

Ion Outdoors

Cabinets Trim and More


Our Approach and Policy Toward Funding Research Projects and Trials:

CPSCF is dedicated to funding research, trials and studies that have a direct impact on the knowledge and understanding of PSC, the mechanism underlying PSC, potential treatments for PSC, and, ultimately, possible cures for PSC.  Our strategy is to focus on small, highly targeted projects with clear deliverables, manageable timelines, and specific outcomes.  As a result, we anticipate that projects CPSCF funds will be relatively small, focused and targeted and require fairly limited funding.

Ideally, CPSCF will be part of a syndicate of funding from other sources to fund specific projects.  Other funding sources participating in supporting projects of interest demonstrates broad interest in and merits of a particular study.  Other funding sources are not a requirement for CPSCF to provide funding, but it is desired.

CPSCF’s funding approach will include the requirement that its funding exclusively go toward the direct costs associated with any project it funds.  CPSCF will not cover overhead or other indirect costs associated with projects it funds or the institutions where the project and its primary investigators are.

As a general strategy, CPSCF will not provide general funding for centers or projects that do not have clear deliverables, milestones and outcomes with a defined timeline. 

CPSCF is committed to provide funding for projects that are small and focused but highly impactful.


To Donate: Click the link below (for PayPal) or send a check to:

Children's PSC Foundation
P.O. Box 1328
Menlo Park, CA  94026

Support the Research

Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of children living with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC).

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Support the Research

Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of children living with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC).

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